Maurice and Katia Krafft dedicated their lives to exploring the world’s volcanoes. Their legacy consists of groundbreaking scenes of eruptions and their aftermath, which they composed in this visually stunning collage. Sabat MaterTrad. Organized by Ernst Reijseger. Werner Herzog made this documentary not as a biography, but to celebrate and exhibit the work of a French couple known for pioneering volcano photography. It is delightfully authentic: we see excerpts from their (still amazing) work, as well as little occasional glimpses into the filmmakers themselves, and Herzog provides quiet commentary from the perspective of a fan rather than an expert (of course he knows what he is talking about). If there is a tragic dimension (they risked it further, and at the end of the day, they did), Herzog does not dwell on it. It may seem dull and pedestrian, but the stunning images captivate and fill those who dare to shoot them with admiration.
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